COVID-19 Safety Plan
We are learning more about COVID-19 every day. This guidance may be updated at any time and is subject to potentially rapid change as the science evolves.
Northeast High School will:
- Share social stories through various mediums about masks with students so they know what to expect at school.
- Use behavioral techniques, such as positive reinforcement, to increase the likelihood that students will comply with mask guidance.
- Engage the class in discussions about why masks help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Northeast High School Strong - Covid-19 Safety Guidelines video
Northeast High School Strong- Covid-19 Routines & Procedures video
PPE Provided for Staff and Student Safety
- Acrylic shields for each student’s desk
- Hand sanitizers installed in each classroom
- Masks and Face Shields (staff)
- Staff can wear their own masks or masks provided by the district
- Mask and individual hand sanitizer (students)
- Disinfecting wipes
- Gloves are available for anyone who wants them
- Custodial staff will sanitize high traffic areas and classrooms daily
- Staff may not bring outside cleaning agents. Only district-approved cleaning agents can be used for cleaning.
Non-Instructional Expectations and Procedures
- Social Distancing Considerations
- Arrival
- Dismissal
- Transitions
- Restrooms
- Cafeteria: Breakfast/Lunch
- Classroom
- PE/Band Class
- Assemblies/Pep Rallies
- Drills
- Athletics/Clubs
- Behavior Protocols
- Nursing protocol
Social Distancing Considerations
- Strict adherence to social distancing cannot be guaranteed in this model
- Masks will be expected on students and staff for the entirety of the day with the exception of lunch while eating.
- Desks will be spaced as far apart as possible, but due to class sizes and logistics, 6 feet will rarely be possible.
- Max class size and number of classes will be minimized to support social distancing as much as possible
- Contract time is 6:55 AM for staff members, they will begin duty in their classroom at 7:00 AM
- Doors open at 6:50 AM.
- One administrator will monitor the in-take process with two staff members supporting
- Front entrance - students will enter and have bags checked right at threshold.
- Students will be lined up outside awaiting to be let in for intake and asked to put on their masks.
- Temperatures will be checked upon entry to the building with automatic sensor/hand thermometer.
- Students exhibiting symptoms will be detoured to the main office. Nurse will be available to perform oral temperature checks in the event the temperature monitor reveals a high temperature. Parents will be contacted immediately.
- Security Check - Security check-in will happen as soon as students enter the building.
- Students will enter through the metal detectors, which provide contactless checks.
- Students will bring limited supplies to reduce what needs to be checked
- No student lockers will be available at this time.
- Students who drive themselves will adhere to the same policy above and enter through the front entrance.
- Staff will monitor students during transitions to encourage correct social distancing, mask being worn and will distribute masks as needed.
- Teachers must enter through the North door. Teachers will sign in and record their temperature on the sheet. Any staff member with a temperature of 99.1 degrees or higher will not enter the building and contact an administrator immediately. The nurse will conduct an oral temperature check in the event the temperature machine reports a temperature.
- Two administrators will monitor staff coming through the back door until 7:00 AM
- Any staff member entering the building past 7:00 AM must enter through the front entrance.
- A map will be provided to show the entry and exit points for staff.
- Dismissal will be staggered by floor to alleviate crowding in the hallway through the PA systems. All administrators and available staff will be visible in the hallways to facilitate dismissal expectations. All students will exit through the front entrance.
- All stairways become “Down” stairways at dismissal for 3rd and 4th floor. Up for 1st floor.
- Staggered release will limit students in hallways. Floors will be dismissed 1 minute apart. Students will be dismissed from 1st, gymnasium classes, and 2nd floors, 3rd floor is 2nd. 4th floor is last.
- 4th Floor Administrator and staff member at each stairwell
- 3rd Floor one administrator at each stairwell
- 2nd Floor 5 staff members will monitor the hallways and by stairwells
- 1st Floor one staff member will monitor the floor and ready to receive athletes with coaches in cafeteria
- Security outside with buses and as needed on floors
- Dismissal from intercom using designated classrooms to buses
- Teachers will help shepherd students off their floor, converging on the stairways and monitoring there
- Any students participating in sports activities will report directly to the cafeteria. Coaches will seat students in designated areas and adhere to social distancing marks on tables and mask guidelines.
- Mask should be worn at all times and social distancing should be the standard
- Two administrators will monitor third floor, one staff member will monitor back hall, one staff member will float in the hallway
- One administrator and one staff member will monitor the fourth floor, be at both stairwells, City Year will float
- Two staff members will be at both stairwells, one staff member will float in the hallway
- One staff member will monitor the first floor near the Genesis Suite and float, one gym teacher monitors the gym exit and entrance, one staff member will float when available
- One-way hallways/stairwells
- Halls will be taped down the middle and students will follow signage to ensure movement is controlled
- Staff and administration will limit mingling in the hallways with repeated expectations over intercom and in hallways
- Designated areas will be taped off for socially distanced mingling
- Monitor hallways for social distancing.
- No lockers will be utilized at this time
- Restrooms will not be accessible (locked) during transitions due to inability to monitor the number of students in that space.
- Students with specific medical needs will follow the district safety plan and report to the nurse as needed.
- Teachers will wipe down desks during transition time during the first 1-2 minutes of transition OR students will have already sanitized the desks before leaving the classroom
- Teachers will stand in the classroom to monitor student transitions and repeat expectations for social distancing and mask wearing. Once students are inside class, they cannot leave.
- Teachers will need to be flexible with restroom passes due to possible limitations to use during passing time.
- Limit number in a restroom at a time based on size and social distancing
- Third floor restrooms will be the only restrooms open during class time.
- Signage indicating how many students can be in that particular bathroom at the same time.
- No more than one student per class leaves to go to the restroom at a time.
- Bathrooms must be locked during passing, and first/last 20 minutes of class, to help ensure the number of students in that space.
- Two staff members will monitor bathrooms during class time
- No students will be permitted to use the restroom before school, during class outside of the 20/20 rule, or after school UNLESS it is an emergency. If it is an emergency, students will need to let their teacher know. Students will be permitted to use the restroom during this emergency.
- Security will monitor the cameras to ensure the restrooms are not reaching above capacity. Security will let administration know via walkie talkie with any breaches in capacity.
- Custodial staff will create a schedule to clean restrooms during off hours and after school.
- This plan may be adjusted based on reflections from the procedure during the first two weeks back in school.
Cafeteria: Breakfast/Lunch
- Breakfast will be eaten in the classroom
- Breakfast carts will be at the front entrance of the school with pre-bagged breakfast, as students enter they only touch their bag. They will grab their breakfast and go directly to their class.
- Teachers will be in classrooms monitoring students in the classroom.
- Three staff members will monitor the second floor (both stairwells and on the floor). Two staff members will support as well to keep traffic moving.
- Two staff members will monitor the first floor - gym door and Genesis Suite stairwell
- Two administrators will monitor the third floor - both stairwells
- Two staff members will monitor the fourth floor - both stairwells
- Food will not be shared or given to other students.
- Students place all food/trash back in their breakfast bag for ease of disposal.
- Students will throw trash away in the classroom trash can.
- ALL food taken up/thrown away at once when the teacher circulates. NO FOOD IS SAVED.
- Trash bags will be set aside in the hallway by TIME and custodial staff will come to replace trash bags and put trash cans back in the classroom.
- Students re-mask when finished eating.
- For students who arrive late, they will eat in the cafeteria and follow social distancing guidelines.
- Custodial will monitor late breakfast arrivals, administrator will assist
- Wednesday professional development will be reduced by 20 minutes to accommodate for morning duty in the classrooms.
- Lunch will be eaten in the cafeteria.
- First Lunch: Three staff members and security
- Second Lunch: Three staff members and security
- Third Lunch: Two staff members and security
- Two staff members will float for lunches
- Custodial will support in cafeteria
- Students enter from the gym stairwell.
- Students will exit from the stairwell closest to Room 100.
- There will be a seating chart for all students to enable contact tracing.
- Students will be released by class and sit with their class in their designated area.
- Teachers will release their classes based on the schedule provided.
- Social distancing will be maximized to best of ability - students will be spaced out.
- Students will start being seated toward the back of the lunchroom and work their way up toward the line to ensure social distancing while students wait to grab lunch.
- Lunches will be pre-made and brought to students' tables.
- Students will throw trash away as they finish eating and re-mask once the tray is thrown away.
- Restroom - students will need to raise their hands to use the restroom, admin on duty will write names down, send one at a time (tally system- whiteboard).
- Students will be released by class on a rolling schedule to ensure teachers have full lunch time and for social distancing in the hallway.
- Teachers will remain in their classrooms to ensure that no staff members are in contact outside of the classroom. This includes leaving the building for any reason.
- If staff members must leave the classroom, they will wear a mask and use sanitizing wipes after their time in the area (i.e restroom).
- Staff members will be encouraged to use their classroom phones and/or email for communication with administration, front office staff, and one another.
- If teachers are to use the teacher’s lounge, they will need to sign up on a contact tracing sheet. No more than three staff members will be allowed in the teacher’s lounge at a time. We will notify the custodial staff of any times the teachers have used the lounge. Hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes will be available as well for teacher usage. Teachers will be required to wear masks during that time.
- Teachers may go off site for lunch. However, teachers may not ride together going to lunch. Upon returning for lunch, teachers must stay 6 feet apart while eating.
Every effort will be made to keep class sizes as low as possible, within the constraints of staffing and scheduling.
- Every student will have an assigned seat in every class. This will help maintain consistency and help us contact trace if necessary and determine who was within 6 feet in the case of a confirmed test.
- Masks will be worn at all times in the classroom.
- The spacing of desks, tables, removal of additional furniture to provide for more space for seating/movement and social distancing.
- Each classroom has a hand sanitizer unit installed.
- Students must use hand sanitizer upon entering the classroom. Teachers will monitor this for each class.
- Students use individual classroom supplies as much as possible. Northeast will provide basic supplies to staff.
- Teachers can utilize one of each options:
- Each student will clean and sanitize their desk and chair using disinfecting wipes provided by the district and distributed by the teacher before leaving the classroom.
- Teachers will wipe down each desk in the 1-2 minutes during transition time.
- Instructors may be limited in ability to circulate the classroom and maintain social distancing (checking work will be breathing on a student/breathing in student air could be dangerous).
- Use of LightSpeed for Chromebook monitoring software will be used.
- Many best practices gleaned from distance learning will also help maximize student participation while limiting potentially harmful contact.
- Any classroom with a co-teacher will create a plan on how to best utilize each adult in the classroom (e.g. using a separate room for small groups, setting up classroom, etc).
- Utilizing online platforms for rigorous CFU is recommended.
- Avila nursing students made a video with all procedures and protocols aligned to the needs of the high school. This will be shown in every class the first day back to school, and during the 7th hour for the entire week to ensure all students have seen the video at least once.
- Group work can be done in groups of 4 due to the desk shield. Students must wear masks at all times.
- Brain breaks can be used as needed within the classroom.
PE/Band Class
Students in physical education class:
- Vigorous exercise in a confined space (e.g., indoors) may contribute to transmission of COVID-19 and should be limited.
- Social distancing helps protect students in physical education class.
- Consider conducting activities in an area with greater ventilation or air exchange (e.g. outdoors).
- Conduct class outside when the weather permits
- Adaptations and alternatives should be considered whenever possible to increase the feasibility of wearing a mask or to reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading.
Students in band or choir:
- When students are not singing or playing an instrument that requires the use of their mouth, they should wear a mask in music class (unless class is outdoors and distance can be maintained).
- Social distancing helps protect students in music class.
- While students are singing or playing an instrument, use visual cues to keep them at least 6 feet apart. If it’s safe and weather permits, consider moving class outdoors where air circulation is better than indoors and maintain at least 6 feet distance between students.
Assemblies/Pep Rallies
Students participating in an assembly or event that requires close contact.
- Large assemblies of students will be discontinued, unless necessary.
- When necessary, consider having the assemblies outdoors, plan for social distancing, and encourage use of masks according to CDC guidance.
- Masks should be worn by teachers and staff at all times and are especially important at times when social distancing is difficult to maintain.
- Seats will be marked off to ensure that all students are socially distanced. Staff will monitor the aisles and ensure that students are wearing their masks.
- Evacuation Plans will be followed district safety and security to ensure drills are completed in a fashion that is safe. If a fire alarm sounds evacuate by buddy rooms, and have one teacher at the front and one teacher at the back while students social distance walking out the door
- Classrooms will exit the building with either the North or the South Door
- NEHS will review where staff should stand on the football field after exiting the building during fire drills
No clubs or organizations will be held in person at this time. Virtual is an option.
- Students will go to the cafeteria upon dismissal from their class at the end of day.
- They will have designated area/rows for their sport/club to sit, will sit within 5-6 feet distance, remaining masked.
- Signage for doors that sports enter/exit
- Coaches will report directly to the cafeteria. Any coaches who are not Northeast staff must adhere to all procedures for entry.
- Administrator will share expectations with coaches
- Athletic Director will monitor
- Getting after school snacks and changing will be alternated to ensure safety in the restrooms and cafeteria.
- Sports will have space where they can eat/sit and be socially distanced.
- Students will leave their belongings in their space.
- Students will leave practice areas immediately and report to the buses.
- Sanitize equipment and areas used before leaving
- Online learning students may still participate.
Behavior Protocols
CDC recommends that people, including teachers, staff, and students, wear masks in public settings when around people who live outside of their household, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.
- Scenario A: A student coughs on another individual intentionally.
- Scenario B: A student is bullied after others learn that they have Covid or had to quarantine due to possible exposure.
- Scenario C: A student refuses to wear their mask.
- Scenario D: A student is not socially distancing.
- Before there is a recommendation of a suspension (ISS or OSS) the following must be considered:
- The student’s intent or lack of intent at the time the student engaged in the conduct
- The student’s disciplinary history
- Whether the student has a disability that substantially impairs the student’s capacity to appreciate the wrongfulness of the student’s conduct, regardless of whether the decision involves a mandatory or discretionary action
- The following restorative options will be utilized to address social and emotional development, and keep students engaged with their academic progress, including:
- Parent/teacher conference
- Conflict resolution
- Restorative circles (circles can be used to establish a respect agreement, building school community,
- repairing harm, decision making strategies and/or teaching content.)
- Education/ Counseling
- Behavior improvement plan
- Referral to the school’s student support team
- Referral to social services in the community
- Student Conference with Administration
- In school or out of school suspensions
- Electronic Think Sheets
Nursing protocol
- See Health Services Reopening Plan
- Contact Nurse with any questions or concerns